Gluten Freedom For Celiacs




 I just want to be treated as Normal!  I don't want my friends being hassled about preparing special gluten-free meals for me whenever I visit them.  As a Celiac Disease sufferer I am sick and tired of not being able to find anything appropriate to a gluten free diet on the menu when I go out to a restaurant.  I would love to feel healthy again - .


There is a lot of information about Celiac (Coeliac) Disease available on the internet, but it is very disjointed and ranges from extremely technical to overly simplistic to utter rubbish.

My aim is to provide a membership site (Gluten Freedom) which will continually provide fresh, up-to-date information about Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance.  It will provide current medical data, great gluten-free recipes and innovative tips on how to live as normal a life as possible as a Celiac.

If you are a Celiac, have a Gluten Intolerance or know someone close who is affected, then I am asking that you fill out the brief survey below to find whether there is interest in such a site, and if so what type of information about Celiac Disease and gluten free diets would be most popular.

For taking the trouble to assist with this Celiac survey you will receive 3 months FREE membership to the Gluten Freedom Newsletter and website.

(You will be able to withdraw from the membership at any time - should you wish to.)


eMail address:
First Name:
Are you a Celiac?::
Is a close friend a Celiac?::
How badly affected (1=slight, 10=severe)?::
Would you be interested in a comprehensive, interactive site?::
What information would you like provided?::
What would be a fair subscription fee ($0, $5, $10, $15, $20, $25 per month)?:
Any Comments?: